Sunday, October 27, 2013

Faith in Nuclear Power Restored

I am sure this sounds ridiculous to most of you, but it astounds me that we haven't made a bigger push for nuclear power here in the United States. There have been a few "scares" that have happened, I do understand that. However, even with the most recent "catastrophy" that took place in Japan, the workers who received the most radiation actually had less radiation in their system than you get from consuming the potassium in a few bananas. Needless to say, the media doesn't understand the numbers. I do not even fully understand the numbers, but I am willing to listen to people who have studied nuclear power for their entire lives and accept the fact that it produces the least waste (yay green!) of any current power source and is much more cost effective.

I would love to take part in reforming education about nuclear power and legislation to focus more efforts on nuclear energy. I plan on spending most of my career in the research field, and more specifically in the aerospace industry. I don't know that I would be able to pass up an opportunity to help America progress in the world and continue to be a positive role model for the rest of the world though. I would hope that I will be able to have multiple careers in my future, but I really am passionate about nuclear power. The main reason, quite honestly, is that the "green" (true colors) part of me is able to see this irrational process of producing more and more waste regularly without producing more energy.

Now I am not saying that my future is going to consist of forcing legislation regularly, but I do believe that most Americans need to be informed of the true benefits of nuclear power. I, personally, used to be opposed to nuclear power because I was scared of it. I had seen so much terribly imagery of waste and cartoons of the disasters of nuclear power. The fact of the matter is that it is very, very safe. Thousands of Americans die each year due to coal power. Whether it's from mining accidents, inhaling dust, or any other reason, coal is not safe. Neither is wind energy. Or solar. They are quite frankly extremely inefficient. Wind turbines kill millions of wild birds every year, as do solar panels. Many people fall to their deaths just installing solar panels on their homes. We could learn a lot from looking at other countries that do not have energy crisis issues like we do. There is no reason for us to not be a leader in the search for sustainable energy.

I have attached a few different websites with more information on the benefits of Nuclear Power if it tickles your fancy ;)

1 comment:

  1. I had to comment on this because it was so different from everyone else's post. I love that I wrote about a vague idea like being kind and you wrote about nuclear power education reform. And you even included links to more information! This is actually really interesting to me because we were 2 of 3 people in our class that fell into the Green "logical" category when we took the True Colors test, yet our answers to open-ended questions like this are so radically different. It's cool to see how people who might think similarly are drawn to such different areas of study (although kindness isn't even close to being a "study"). I'm excited to see the things you do!
