Saturday, November 2, 2013

Leadership Feedback

I asked one of my coworkers to be as brutally honest as they could about my leadership, including both the good and the bad. I am really glad that they didn't hold anything back and told me everything they thought about my style. I have always been a fan of criticism, as long as it can be productive. I am used to receiving criticism, especially because of my experiences playing instruments. My mother is an amazing cellist and would offer criticism of my playing when I was younger. It used to bother me and make me angry, but then I realized that her intentions were only to help make me better.

My coworker said that they really admire my work ethic. They said they enjoy when they have a shift with me because it just means their job is easier and they don't have to pick up as much slack as with others. They commented on how they appreciate that I readily assume responsibility and that they like that I am always willing to lend a helping hand. One of the things they said is very helpful is that I make sure I understand what I am doing so that I can be as efficient as possible.

Not all of the criticism was positive, however, but it was still constructive. The biggest thing they said I could use some work on is making sure I account for how my decisions affect everybody around me. They didn't mean that I hurt others, but rather that I tend to assume my plan of action is the best one without consulting others to be sure that there isn't a better idea available. They also said that I can tend to seem like I'm not genuine when talking to my peers, which I understand.

Overall, I really appreciate the feedback I was given. Even though it may not have been exactly what I wanted to hear, I am glad that they were able to be completely honest with me and allow me an opportunity to grow.

1 comment:

  1. Blake, I really enjoyed reading about your experience of when asked for feedback. I think that it's great that you asked your coworker. The feedback they gave you was also so positive and constructive. I'm glad that you recognize what they told you and that you plan on growing from the experience. Thanks for sharing!
